So, for those of you who may be wondering, we really have done some work while we are here. The project training officially begins on Monday morning, and we have 8 Master Trainers that are participating to start the Home Based Life Saving Skills project here in Uganda. We have found that we are starting off a little less prepared than we thought, but the community people are very receptive to our being here and we are giving it our 100%. After preparing training booklets for each of the trainer participants, we had to sort the 200+ teaching cards for each of them. Wow, what job!
I do have to say, however, getting any work done around here is very difficult because of these beautiful "distractions"!!
The children's boarding school is right over the wall of our guest house, and there is an estimated 180 children who are currently boarding, several sponsored by Hope4Kids. They LOVE to watch us and greet us. The little girls will bow on one knee while the boys bow their heads to greet. It's so sweet. It's definitely a new experience to have babies cry and toddlers run away behind their mothers' skirts because they are afraid of the "Mozungoo" (white person).
More to come later!
I'm so enjoying the blogging and pictures- keep up the good work! I look forward to more :)