Saturday, October 23, 2010

RIP Lady Di

We are fortunate to have a wonderful woman preparing meals for us and introducing us to African cuisine. Today Debi, Lylaine and I went to the market, shopping list in hand with Sylvester our driver. After finding everything in the market, the last thing on our list was chicken. There definitely is NO frozen food dept. in an African market. So past the fruits and vegetables we went to the live chickens.

Sylvester picked up a plump red one and negotiated a price. Off we went Sylvester carrying our chicken, the three of us a little traumatized and vowing to be vegetarian. She was a sweet little chicken whom we bonded with (after releasing the bonds tying her feet together). We even gave her a name, Lady Di(short for Dinner), and allowing her to escape the afternoon monsoon in the house.


Sadly, after a last meal of watermelon (thanks to Liz) she has succumbed to her destiny. See picture below. She is our main course tomorrow, unless we keep our vegetarian vow. Somehow it seems we are much closer to our food sources here...

6:00 PM

Rest In Peace, Lady Di. (sniff)


  1. I'm not sure about meeting m food before eating it. Reminds me of the story my mother told me about her pet duck when she was little. The pet duck was invited to Easter dinner when it go old enough and big enough. Needless to say, my mother was traumatized!

  2. Hilarious but I don't think I would want to met my dinner either at least she enjoyed her last day before her destiny
