So...after spending HOURS preparing materials and planning for our training day, we fell into bed around 1:00 AM. Just as sleep was about to enfold us, Liz woke us up with a panic alert that her bathroom was flooding. By the time we managed to get up and go look, there was Lake Victoria in her bedroom, flooding under the bed. The faucet in the bathroom had broken a connection and was spouting water everywhere.

We all got up, tried to assess the situation, grabbed towel, mops, buckets, brooms, anything that looked like it might help scoop up water. Edna actually managed to stem the flow a bit while Debi and I got a flashlight and trekked across the campus to see whose light might be on. (Cell phone attempts were not reaching anyone.) We searched all around the house for shut off valves to no avail. We found other things like frogs, but no valve. Finally, we managed to awaken a poor couple who had (unfortunately) kept a light on inside their house. He took us to find the security guard who came and knew where the valve was.
It was buried under mud, so we NEVER would have found it. Finally, after doing all we could to sop up water, we fell back into bed (laughing hysterically). Seemed like a slumber party gone South...
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