We were impressed with the interest and interactive discussions in English, Swahili and Japaola. The newly minted trainers surpassed our expectations and embraced their roles as master trainers. They acted as if they were veteran trainers.
We gave them tools in that assist in conveying important, simple, life-saving information in a culturally adaptive format. They were very successful with incorporating the "adult learning" principles we offered. Women shared their ideas freely and seemed excited to be a part of this new community education program. They already had brainstormed ideas such as forming a group of birth attendants to help get the message out to women in their areas.
There were women in the waiting room of the clinic who had heard (through "bush telegraph") what was going on and wanted to be a part. THIS is the heart of the program, having this information spread throughout their communities. This energy in the community encourages us that our trip was worthwhile and that this project will continue to flourish after we're gone.

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